Thursday, September 17, 2009

An Ode To Canada - APH FanFiction

I have no idea about the title. Seriously - I just needed to fill in space. Characters belong to respective owner whilst plot belongs to me. Extra short - and mostly drabble. I doubt that I'll bother to continue this. My little sister and I were having a crack conversation about what would happen if America was the one ignored and everyone only noticed Canada. Wouldn't it be a topsy-turvy world?
It was a beautiful morning, and Alfred F. Jones could only smile as he felt the sun filter through his curtains. He could already hear birds singing outside his window, and the happy chatter of his people. He rolled over to peer at his clock and was pleasantly surprised that he had woken up early for once. Today was going to be great day – he could feel it. Donning his glasses, the nation known as America hopped out of bed and slipped into his everyday clothes; briefly running a hand through his hair, and gave a rather toothy grin at his mirror. There: he was all set. Whistling a jolly tune, Alfred hopped down the stairs, taking the steps two at a time with his long-legged strides. Voices floated up from below and Alfred stopped halfway down. Was someone here? He strained his ears for a moment, and another grin found its way onto his face. It was England! The old man just couldn’t stay away. But who else was that? He was sure Arthur was talking to someone else. Alfred shrugged it off. He was probably just seeing his invisible friends again. Alfred snickered.
“Good morning, Iggy!” The younger nation yelled as he entered the kitchen, quite surprised to not smell burning food. Had he actually made something edible? “What’re you doing here?”
Arthur hadn’t seemed to hear him and continued his conversation. Had his old age finally deafened him? Alfred frowned, and noticed that Arthur, in fact, was talking to someone. It was – what was his name? Alfred stared. It was someone he knew, or rather, someone he should know. He tapped his chin for a moment and then clicked his fingers. Of course! It was his twin brother, what’s-his-face!
“Hey, Canada,” Alfred waved happily but was sorely disappointed when his brother only looked up briefly in his direction, resuming his seemingly intriguing conversation with Arthur.
“Uhh, guys,” the nation raised his voice slightly. “How’d you guys get in my house?”
Still no response.
Alfred scowled now, and stomped over to Arthur, poking his head rapidly, knowing full well that this would annoy the older nation. “Hey, England – I know you can hear me. Arthur, answer me!”
Arthur stopped abruptly and turned. Alfred grinned triumphantly. But the grin vanished quickly when Arthur simply rubbed his head and turned back to Canada.
“I swear, Matthew,” Arthur laughed. “I’m going crazy. I thought I just heard someone saying my name.”
Canada nodded politely. “Maybe it was one of your friends?”
“I can usually see them,” Arthur frowned but shrugged it off. “It might’ve been one of the pixies, so I might’ve just missed them.”
Alfred fumed. What had he done to deserve this? Sure, he could be annoying from time to time, but this was just ridiculous – not to mention childish. Especially coming from England and what’s-his-name-Canada. Alfred spun on his heel and made his way to the front door, determined to enjoy the rest of his day. As he turned around to leave a sarcastic parting shot, he found Canada staring straight at him. The comment in Alfred’s throat died.
Matthew smirked.
It was payback time.

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